Thank you for caring about the work of the Beyond Coal Atlantic campaign
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Your donations will help support our efforts to:
- Build a regional movement for energy democracy and community power
- Get off coal!
- Ban the use of forest biomass to generate electricity
- Transition to wind and solar energy, ramp up energy efficiency, and promote decentralized, distributed energy
- Raise awareness about climate change and biodiversity loss
- Stop dangerous money-making schemes for new mega-hydro dams (like the Gull Island Project in NL), small modular nuclear reactors in NB, new fracked gas infrastructure (aka, natural gas plants and pipelines), and fracking
- Be strong allies to Indigenous leaders who are asserting their people’s Treaty rights, including the rights of all members of their communities to be involved in decision-making based on free, prior, and informed consent
- Stand up to mining companies that are polluting local communities, destroying biodiversity, and harming people’s health