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Thank you for taking action and calling upon your representative to represent you and your community—not the oil and gas lobby.

Here’s what you can do next to have even more impact

Meet with your MP to tell them to hold the oil and gas industry accountable with a strong emissions cap

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The oil and gas industry emits more GHGs than any other sector in 🇨🇦, and they want to keep it that way! Let’s show our MPs we demand a strong emissions cap. 💪 Go to to send a message to your MP today. #StrongCap #StandUpToBigOil

@irvingoil is lobbying hard to weaken a proposed cap on oil and gas emissions. We need our MPs to stand up to Irving Oil and deliver a strong cap on emissions. 🌍✊ Send a message to your MP and spread the word: #StrongCap #StandUpToBigOil

It’s time to hold the oil and gas industry accountable for their emissions. Let’s ensure our MPs stand up to the oil and gas lobby and deliver a strong cap. 🌱 Send a message to your MP and spread the word: #StrongCap #StandUpToBigOil

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